Easy Paragraph on The Internet

The Internet Paragraph

The Internet is a Computer Based process of trending news and views in a very short time. It is the latest means of communication.  It has greatly influenced our lifestyle. It is the worldwide network of computers.  One needs a telephone connection and software to set up an internet process. It has two types online and offline.  

The Internet works through three networks LAN ( Local area network ) MAN (Metropolitan Area Network ) and WAN ( Worldwide area network ). 

The Internet plays an important role in the field of trade and Commerce. At present We can buy and sell our goods without going to market. Students can read books without going to the library. In short, people can know about world affairs through the internet in a very short time. So the world is now like a small village.

Write a paragraph on the internet. answer the following question in your paragraph.

What is the internet?

How does it work?

What is the importance of the internet?

How are the students benefited from it?

Where the people of our country are deprived of Internet service?

What Steps/Measures can be taken to ensure Internet services?


The Internet has two types online and offline.  It works through three networks LAN ( Local area network ), MAN (Metropolitan Area Network ), and WAN ( Worldwide area network ).


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